Part I: End of the road – Munich to Stuttgart
Hello everybody!
I am right now on the last step of this long and crazy but also often nice journey back home. I still cannot believe it. I see Germany outside but I almost don`t recognize it. I feel absolutely like a stranger. But this will change and I am looking forward to see all my friends again. One friend – Christoph, who shared with my 3 weeks in Thailand and one in Laos - even offered me to stay in his flat for two months without paying… Phantastic. I can really tell myself a lucky bastard right now… Why not? It hasn`t been always like this – to say it in a nice way ;-) That gives me a lot of space for developing my ideas. I now this will be tough. It`s one thing to have great ideas another one to make them true. I have my doubts for sure but I am not afraid. Or let`s say not to much.
The last night I stayed in Munich at Boris Place, my friend I know from Goa. That was great. In around two hours I will see Benztown again. I am excited what kind of feelings are awaiting me there this time. The first stopover I felt like I lost my home, the second one I felt like settling down again and now? Let`s see…
Tomorrow I will have a little Party at another friends place and I am looking forward to it. I hope I have still some energy left then.
I feel like travelling since 6 days even when I had a short stop in Siem Raep, Bangkok and now Munich. But I am really happy when its over very soon. And my day in Angkor and Siem Raep with Mr. T was nice but not a real break. In Bangkok the same, because of the New Year Celebration. Crazy, I can tell you. I haven`t seen anything like this ever. So many people, Water from all sides, Techno Beats, colors, Joy and Madness. Glad, that I have seen that, even when it made it almost impossible to get the things, I wanted to buy there. But all good.
Part II: back in Benztown: a stranger in a familiar area
Well. Now I am already back in Stuttgart since a few days. So many intense feelings. First I went to my good friend Christoph and the joy was big. I stayed some hours before I went to visit another very good friends. Turned out he is in big big trouble. It might be even a question about life and death… Can`t put any more details but I was shocked, even if it doesn`t surprised me that much. We talked a lot and I spend finally the night there.
The next day I got the key of my best friend and his girlfriend to prepare the party, I already planned in Cambodia. I thaught it would be better to have this party as soon as possible this time. I was quite tired and jetlagged but also looking forward to see all these good people. It hasn`t been such a big crowd, but the right people have been there. For sure some people have been missing but it was all right. I enjoyed a lot to see my friends and share same stories. For sure it wasn`t possible to talk to everyone like I wanted to. But it was just a start.
Thanks to Martino, Arthur, Dieter, Sarah & Cedric, Tamara & Kai, Daniel, Markus, Anne, Christoph, Gilad and Sebbe!!! You made it easier to reach here.
But still I am not fully here. No wonder after this crazy long journey including jetlag. And the month before was great but also very very intense. And what a culture gap again. The people look again, if I was falling from the sky…and they aren`t that wrong
The time difference to Argentina isn`t anymore crazy 10 hours but still 5. That`s a real challenge. I miss Natali like crazy but we both try to focus on our things to see again as soon as possible!
My feelings are a rollercoaster right now and for sure I am afraid. But I try everything to transform this tension into energy, but it`s still a way. Ideas for the next time will follow soon.
The day after we went like old tradition to see the soccer match of the local soccer club, what ended in the city like always. Another long day after a few hours of sleep.
Yesterday I was just crushed and tried to recover. But sleeping is not the easiest thing right now.
I feel still like a stranger and it will need some time to reach the bottom.
I am struggeling right now but I am not blaming anybody for it. Would be stupid!
Thank you one more time for being interested in my life and my special way I am choosing all the time. I love you!!! You make it doable, how difficult it will be. I am looking forward to see you all again. Stay true out there and news are following soon!!!
Much love from Mr. Coconutyoga
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