For the start some more information. In switzerland i am staying with a very good friend, i know from GOA, India. Actually he got 50 years old around one week ago and we celebrated his birthday last weekend. He had no clue i would come. I was glad to see that the surprise worked. I decided not to tell him before, becaus it was not an easy decision to leave asia this time. Finally i made this travel from Indonesia to switzerland, starting from Gili Trwangan, near to Lombok, over Bali, Bangkok, where i missed my flight (what is another longer story), Berlin and Zuerich, where i had to catch a last train to arrive in his place. For sure i was damaged from the travel, all the stress i had in the last 2 days and the jetlag. So i was not able to parcitipate at the party like i wanted. But it was still very nice, to see all the people i know from Goa again here in this wonderful place. And to see the totally surprised Tom was also worth to come. He was looking as if he was seeing a ghost...
And now i am still here, enjoying the peaceful nature around. Its just a great time, even when im still bewtween different worlds. But this is a nice place to be in this state. Im not totally arrived, but its also not my plan to settle down. I am going to write my book now and still go on with my travels.
Soon i will start to tell about the coconutyoga world, about my experiences in India, Nepal, Kuala Lumpur, Indonesia and Bangkok.
john coltrane?