Not easy to write anything at that time, because most of the things that happened in the last time are not to tell in this space. There has been a lot of nice meetings with old and new friends but at the same time a lot of very crazy stories.
I am enjoying this time in Stuttgart very much. I was really very surprised in the beginning, because i didn`t expected to have such a phantastic time. My last visit here was very different, not only because of the weather conditions. My last time in germany started also very nicely and later changed totally. I thought i would have lost the feeling to be at home in this region, where i am actually living my whole life. I got very sad about this. Now the situation is different. I feel really good here, there are almost no bad memories left and i am enjoying to nvisit all my favorite places and my phantastic friends. Thank you very much for your presence and hospitality! I changed my "accomodation" very often and found a lot of open doors. Special thanks to Christoph, Markus, Gilad, Ralf, Vinc and everybody else who offered me to stay in his place and share some nice time together!
I will leave to Greece in a few days and i decided to there by train, ship and bus, like i did it just in the beginning of my trip exactly one year ago. I am looking especially forward to take a ship to reach Hellas. Even after 30h i am not really bored. It is maybe the most amazing way to travel. Sleeping on the deck, year!
In Greece i will stay for two weeks and celebrate the 60. birthday of my mother. Also my aunt, uncle, father and brother will be there.
Sonme days ago i went already almost to Romania with my oldest friend by car. We have not been really prepared, but we have been full of will to fullfill this adventure. But when we reached the austrian border, my friend decided to turn around, what was actually a very good decision for him (no comment about our state at all...), because after this wise decision he still got some problems with his girlfriend, who was left alone with the massage: "i call you. Trust me!"... He wrote this when we went to his place to pick up his passport ;-) The pictures are also from this shorttrip (4.00 Stuttgart 6:45 Austrian Border 9:30 Stuttgart).
There would be a lot of other stories, but like i told. Impossible!
After Greece i will probably return to Germany for a while. For how long is relly open. Some things are not really possible to plan. I still have the desire to return to Asia again. I try to read the signs...
i would be pleased about some comments, critics or whatever!
Much love from Mr. Coconutyoga
Wer ist eigentlich dieser Freak - Mr. Coconutyoga;-)
AntwortenLöschenEs war sehr schön dich mal wieder persönlich zu begrüßen.
Ich werde mir nicht anmaßen Kritik zu geben über jegliche Texte in diesem Blog;-)
Ne schöne Zeit in Griechenland Susi