Hello everybody!
It`s a long time ago that i wrote on my blog the last time. The cause was I had a very bad time. And in this case it is almost impossible to write something useful.
Still I didn`t escaped the shadows totally, but it is getting better day by day.
It is not the right place to explain exactly what happened. Let`s say I felt very dissapointed and hurt.
So I had after two mostly nice weeks in Crete, three mostly bad weeks following. I wasn`t talking to almost nobody that time. One cause was for sure that my greek is still not good enough to communicate about more than basic things. Another that I want to be alone when I feel hurt.
And our house is around 4 miles away from the next small town and the beach as well. Sometimes I walked there but i got tired of walking after a while. And I feel sometimes like haunted by other people, when I am in just a bad period. It was really a deep, deep whole.
But it wasn`t only bad. Still the weather was very nice, i cooked every day, listened to music and read a lot of books. More than 15 finally.
I just updatet my literature section. Just check it!
two weeks ago i came back to Germany. The first two days I stayed with Ulf in Mannheim, who was so friendly to give me a nice welcome. He was waiting for me in the middle of the night, even when he had to work the next day very early. Thanks a lot!
After these two days I went to Stuttgart and stayed for some days in Gilad`s flat.
Great to feel so welcome! He just went himself to Crete today and I hope he will have a great time.
Stuttgart has changed a lot in the last months, because of the protests against the "Stuttgart 21"; great to see the city alive, maybe it is the start of a bigger movement, that will increase the direct influence on politics. That would be very nice. Meanwhile I am almost sure, that they will stop the project.
I was almost every day drunk and smoked to much to be honest. But it was just necassary after this really bad time. Sometimes I would just love to have a "normal" life withou these heavy ups and downs. But it is sitll a long path to go.
Important is not to give up, what is difficult enough sometimes.
My Birthday was very crazy, i was much to early much to drunk, so I can`t remember a lot. I think I was drunk like two horses already at nine o clock, when my best friend arrived... You just have to watch the pictures...
But I was still alive at around two o clock when we left. Or lets say I was not sleeping or dead. We had a bill around 300 Euro to pay...
And i can tell you, we have not been too many people.
Still it was nice to see all my friends.
When I saw my face the next day in the mirror, I was very surprised, because i looked like after a fight. I learned later that I tried to fight with Gilad, what wasn`t sucessfull in this state. So my face got in contact with the street...
Even more worse was what happened to two friends of mine. They have been shouting loud on there way home (they are almost sure it wasn`t insulting). Somebody stopped with his car, hit one of them in the face, the other one in the stomach and drove away again. Crazy! Christoph got so horrible pain after a while, that it was necessary to call the ambulance and he had to stay in the hospital for 4 days. He was bleeding from inside. Shit!
The taxi driver who drove Gilad, Toni and me home wasn`t to surprised when we presented a stolen chair and explained him that we just buyed it now in the middle of the night...
Crazy people, crazy birthday.
when Martkus and me visited our friend in the hospital we acted like mafiosi, who are ordered to end our murder. "Do he think he can hide here in the hospital, Luigi?"
"Give me the pillow"; "I don`t like it when unguilty people get ivolved in that shit"
For sure we had to wear sunglasses and tried not to laugh.
Let`s say the people have been kind of irritated.
Whatever, you see, I am very far away from getting back to a serious life.
Actually I am staying in Bremen with my parents and I am trying to do something useful. And this is writing a lot for my book. That isn`t a nice or easy work, as anybody knows who tried to write. Sometimes I think I should stop to write about bad memories, because it is getting to painful sometimes, but after a while I know again, that I have to do it. It is so necessary to reflect the things and give them a place outside of my mind.
Maybe I get more free this way.
And I have seen Berlin finally. I just had some hours, but it was very interesting.
In some days I will head back to the south of Germany. The next weekend we will have a meeting from our education and I am looking forward to see some people agein.
And soon after I will head back to India!!!
I hope I will be still able to visit Ladakh, before it is not possible anymore because of the weather conditions. Varanasi and Calcutta are waiting ass well.
And this time I will make it to visit kerala and Hampi in the indian South. And to come to Goa is no question as well.
I know, plans are changing all the time, but I am almost sure that Cambodia and Thailand will follow as well.
Around May 2011 it is probably over with travelling for a longer time.
I hope I will have the power to make this plans true.
Anyway, I try to write more often again and hope you are well!!!
Much Love,
Mr. Coconutyoga
P.S.: also check the new pictures in the second last blog entry and the two videos in the last! A Tribute to phantastic Junkerry will also follow soon!
oh...before I forget: don`t drive drunk with the bike...can be painful as well...
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