Hello everybody!
I am still in Crete. The weather is fantastic. Meanwhile my family left. My parents, uncle and aunt already on monday, my brother followed two days later.
Now Manoli (of course the son of our friend Manoli and as well the father of another Manoki...) and his wife are learning in our house for their examins.
It is amazing how qiet I always get when I stay here for a longer time. But also my Greek is still in a miserable stat, so it is not easy to communicate to a lot of people.
But it is my home in a way and I feel always when i am here, how much this place influenced my personality. Often, when i was in Asia, i thought the people are in a way so similiar to the greek people. And for sure the Greeks influenced the asian culture and the asian influence especially on Crete is also not to negate.
The birthday of my mother was very nice. She enjoyed herself and we had some really nice guests. Another day we went like every year to a place, hidden in the mountains, where is celebrated every year a religious event, followed by some dance, eating and drinking. I like the atmosphere in this place. This time i used the time to climb on the top of the mountain as well. Probably i will do it again in the next days. I still love trekking!!! But the most funny part is always the way up and down with our friend Manoli, who is driving the Tractor.
The day, when my brother left I was on a raggae concert. This was fantastic, even if i couldnt understand a lot. There was almost no strangers instead of the charming english ladies and the jamaican Guy with them i went there. Still very young by heart, even if they are more than double my age...
On the dance floor I was absolutely the only stranger and i saw a lot of surprised faces. But it was great, i did a lot of dancing even if it was very hot in the wonderful stone theater. Some Pictures will follow!
As I heared my friend Johannes escaped out of Ladakh without injuries. I am very happy about that. It was a dangerous situation and i was full of sorrows.
I hope two good friends of mine will also have a good and safe tracvel. They will fly into Moscow, stay there 4 days and then going on the Transib Route. All the best for you!!!
I will go in some days probably to Naxos to visit one of my female cousins, Ruth. This will be very nice.
After staying another 10 days or something I will come back to germany for another 4 weeks before heading to Asia again.
I know, i am a very happy fellow at the moment. I am very thankful for that. It has been not only bright in my life...
Stay true, yours,
Mr. Coconutyoga
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